We are very pleased about your interest in Kapnative. We would like to learn more about you and your needs. Please click here and provide us with more specific details about your company. We will then promptly contact you for an initial, personal introduction.

We are already in discussions with leading reporting providers and CRM systems regarding the integration of Kapnative. Please feel free to approach us to discuss, and together we can determine your integration needs and approaching your current reporting platform provider.

Kapnative is continuously expanding its partnerships with selected issuers. Before entering into collaborations, Kapnative conducts its own due diligence process on Issuers and Products. Currently, Kapnative offers you the opportunity to invest in 7 different asset classes. In addition to Private Equity and Venture Capital, you will get access to Infrastructure, Private Debt, Real Estate, Renewables, and Hedge Funds.

Kapnative is continuously expanding its partnerships with selected issuers. We are pleased that you are interested in being listed on Kapnative's marketplace to create a new distribution channel for your fund. Please click here and provide your contact details so that we can promptly contact you for an initial personal introduction.

We are very excited about your interest in using Kapnative as an investor. As of today, we are only directly accessible to semi-professional and professional investors. If you categorize yourself as such an investor, please click here and get in touch with us. After a brief onboarding call, we would be delighted to invite you to our software where you can use our non-advised marketplace. If you are a private client or simply would like advice on suitable alternative investment strategies then we can can support you in finding an advisor that can help you with that.

Yes, you can also invest with your investment holding company on Kapnative. However, as of today, we only support investment holding companies with an individual authorised representative director who can sign contracts. Details of all beneficiaries with a 25% or more stake will need to be supplied.

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